
City Map Generator - Wave Function Collapse Algorithm

A thumbnail including three instances of randomly generated city maps of various sizes rendered by the application. Each of the 3D maps are floating against a black background.

An implementation of the Wave Function Collapse Algorithm for proecedural generation of city maps using C++ and OpenGL.

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JojaMart Administrative Database

A thumbnail containing the JojaMart Administrative Database interface. It shows the Products page with the title 'All JojaMart Products'. There is a home button in the left-hand corner of the UI, and a navigation bar below the title. Buttons are included for each page of the database tool. It includes a description of the current page, a searchbar, and a table showing the Products currently listed in the database. Below the table is a button to add a product to the table.

A full stack interface for an administrative database inspired by the fictional grocery store JojaMart from Stardew Valley. This project uses React on the front-end, and Express and MySQL on the back-end.

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Writing Prompts Generator

A thumbnail containing the writing prompts generator interface. The UI shows the app title 'Writing Prompt Generator' and contains a box with rounded corners. Inside the box is the prompt 'Write a Horror story where a frog must protect Jeremy.' Below the box is a yellow button that says 'New Prompt!'

A random writing prompt generator that selects a genre, scenario, and characters from a database to inspire creative writing pursuits. This project uses the MERN stack.

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Invasive Species - GMTK Game Jam 2023

Thumbnail containing a screenshot from the game. A pixel-art farm with two corn crops and seven weeds occupying some of the tiles. one of the weeds has a '+2' indicator, and two others have a '+1 indicator'. A farmer is standing next to one of the weeds.

Take the role of an invasive weed species in a farming game created for the 2023 Gamemaker's Toolkit Game Jam. This project was created in 48 hours using the Godot game engine and GDScript.

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ARcade Classics

Thumbnail containing three mobile screenshots. The first shows the home screen with the app title and two buttons. One button is green and says 'scan', the other is white and says 'Settings'. The second screenshot shows the application reading from an AR marker with a popup that says 'Game Found: Snake' and has a button that says 'Start'. The third screenshot shows the game Snake in action, with the user's living room slightly visible behind the game board. The UI shows four directional buttons, an exit button and a settings button. The snake is a green cube with a small tail, about to collide with a red sphere that represents the food in-game.

A cross-platform mobile application that allows users to play the classic arcade game Snake using marker-based Augmented Reality. This project was created using Unity.

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